Sunday, June 22, 2008

Local fauna

On Saturdays, we go to Grand Army Plaza Greenmarket. It’s some 20+ minutes walking for us, so I sometimes count it towards my daily exercise. We are there to get our free-range milk and eggs and peek into the grass-fed meat coolers (‘next week’ – we usually say. My overwhelming hunger and distaste for tofu has me contemplating eating a cow, or at least a small part of one). Sometimes we go home with some apples, tomatoes and swiss chard (that just ends up wilting in our vegetable crisper next to all the beer Chris will drink over the next few days and complain how he can’t get to it because of the greens).

Chris, again, has me doubled over with laughter: I have to hold my belly in fear I’m shaking Twitchy too much. It’s Park Slope at its quintessence. A couple is walking towards us.

- Here we have a sample of our species, Slopus Impregnatus. This specimen is a typical sample, looking like a beautiful woman in a sun-dress who apparently swallowed a basketball accompanied with a man with a dumbfounded expression on his face. And over there, it’s a cousin of it, they are in the same genus: it’s the popular Slopus Contraceptivus. Sometimes it will turn out that what you thought was Slopus Contraceptivus is actually Slopus Impregnatus, but it’s best not to make any assumptions.

How can I possibly be grumpy, hormones messing with me or not?

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